Thursday, July 12, 2012

Natural-Born Online Gurus

Natural-Born Online Gurus

They are household names like Brian, Mary, Seth, Chris, etc. They are a new kind of thought leaders. They are called social media gurus, online marketing prophets or engagement evangelists. Some of their followers have all their work (eBook, tweets, blogs,etc.) and believe everything they say. One of my friends called Brian Solis a G-O-D.

More than money or notoriety they have something that people want : it's called
P-O-W-E-R. They may seem cool, sociable, next door guys but still they do think before writing their next blog or tweet that 140 line that may damage their online reputation. Like any thought leaders people have to be careful, not to get carried away by meaningful sentences or powerful words.

Like other thought leaders Freud, Marx, Gandhi, etc. they have a responsibility to protect their followers and we have a responsibility to keep our critical sense in regard to all that is said and done online.

It's not easy to be a thought leader, an online guru. Some people are born with incredible qualities to communicate, to connect and to interact with other human beings. But that is not enough.

To become an online prophet you have to:
--- adapt your natural qualities, competence, style to an online audience
--- learn from your audience, to be an online leader you have to be a listener 
--- clear thoughts, simple words and short sentences
--- a true ''socializer'' and ''connector''
--- you have to be your biggest fan!

The future belongs to people who are able to build groups, community and mobs online with a powerful and meaningful online presence that gives them the opportunity to connect and gather through ideas, opinions and values. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Transforming reality through corporate vision

Transforming reality through corporate vision

People are born and eventually come of age and pass away. This is not necessarily the case with corporate entities. Those strange forms of life may survive through one main aspect: the vision located at the core of their heart; one could say that the corporate vision is the soul of a corporation, the principle governing its behavior pattern adopted through various roles and situations.

A strong corporate vision is not based exclusively on reality: it transforms, creates reality... It may not care – or want to care... - that you perceive it as being disconnected from "facts on the ground"; acknowledging a perception that would differ from the corporate vision may be undesirable, since it may then prevent the corporate vision from becoming a reality. Hence a too strong focus or obsession with reality may not help a vision take shape and subsequently materialize. On the contrary, being "open" to a perception that is compatible with the corporate vision could help it become a reality; thus adopting a particular attitude of desiring to conform to the corporate vision can contribute in transforming the "real world". And then, the corporate vision will become real: "facts on the ground" will be aligned with said vision and will thus be perceived as more true/natural and less as an artificial perception based on a distorted viewpoint.

This process, which could be akin in some aspects to an organized form of systemic brainwash/propaganda, is not necessarily negative in its inherent nature, though: it strives to achieve perennity of the corporation through dissemination of its vision, i.e. "business culture", in order to convert, dominate, gain strength. Ethics of behavior is not particularly relevant in the case of a corporate entity (other than for image-building purposes) since its primary will is to never cease to exist; it will then take actions required to assure its ultimate sustainability and survival; the moral aspect of activities undertaken to this effect is a human element while corporations are not human, even though they are created and managed/controlled by humans (like, for example, an animal being directed by a human does not make said animal become a human itself). It could then be assumed that corporations are governed through different sets of rules than individuals.

A corporate entity that would never fail to regenerate and propagate its core vision could, in theory, "never die" and survive eternally.